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John Koch

Fundraising for John K's Rifton Small

John is an active, adventurous little guy, but he’s still working on his balance. To join his friends on bike rides and keep up with the fun, he needs an adaptive bike. For children like John, bike riding is more than just a hobby—it's a therapeutic experience that builds strength, coordination, and confidence while promoting inclusivity. An adaptive bike can open the doors to new opportunities and allow him to ride alongside his peers.

However, the cost of these specialized bikes is often out of reach for many families, leaving children with special needs without the chance to experience the joy of biking. From February 25 to March 19, 2025, you can help make a difference by supporting this initiative. By participating in the giveaway, you’ll be giving children like John the opportunity to experience the freedom and fun of bike riding—something every child deserves. Thank you for your support!

John is a very active little guy but he still is working on his balance. In order for him to be able to ride bikes with his typical friends he needs something a little more to keep the adventure going!


I can't believe how far we've come in just a few days! Thank you all so much for voting, donating, and sharing! John is currently in 6th place for votes with 7 days to go. We are also over 50% for donations. Please keep it up! If you're here, you know voting is free and only takes seconds. Please share with your networks and get this little guy a new bike! Thank you!


Mini golf at GWL 2023

Skiing with Central Maine Adaptive Sports at Lost Valley 2025

Buddy Bowling 2024

Unified Rec Soccer 2024

Special Surfers 2024

Rock Climbing at Evo 2024

Buddy Ball 2022

Dance Recital 2024

I realized that as more and more people are sharing the link to vote for John that some of you might not know his story, so here it is! John was born five and a half weeks early and now, six years later, we're still on John time! We received a prenatal diagnosis that John had Down syndrome. During the same appointment, we found out that he had two holes in his heart, and a duodenal atresia. We spend 133 days in the NICU at Maine Med, Boston Children's, and the Barbara Bush Hospital before John was finally able to come home. That time included surgery on his intestines, two heart surgeries, and a g-tube placement surgery. We joke now that John is better than new and that he has wi-fi. Meaning that the oxygen canula, o2 monitor, and g-tube he came home with are all gone! John loves to read, dance, and tell jokes! His favorite food is baked beans, (but he loves all beans, except the green ones!), with pizza being a close second. He is very active and has tried t-ball, bowling, skiing, surfing, soccer, rock climbing, mini golf, and acro and tap dancing. Thank you all so much for supporting John!

July 2018


John loves to help make pizza for Friday night supper! This was our Valentine's Day pizza.

THANK YOU! In less than 24 hours we've hit the first milestone of 50 votes. John is now entered into the random drawing for a Rifton Adaptive Bike. There is still work to do, if we can get the most votes by March 19th, he will automatically win! It is only one vote each, so please keep sharing with your contacts!


John needs your help! It's time for the Trisomytops Herd to come back together and help John raise money for an adaptive bike! If you know John, you know he's non-stop, and this will give him one more way to be able to go, go, go! (and maybe be tired enough to sleep past 4:00!) The first five people to donate (I don't count) will get a personalized video from John!


Fundraising Progress
$3,360 raised of $2,950 goal


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