Ezra just turned five in January and trying to find adaptive activities that meet his needs has been a challenge. He is a very active boy with spina bifida, and would love and use an adaptive bike daily. He uses a wheelchair primarily but is able to walk with AFOs and a walker. He is quite mobile, but unable to do the gas pedal motion needed to ride a typical bike. As a toddler boy though, he has a lot of energy and an adaptive bike would be such a great activity and outlet for him, especially for the summer! He is a strong, determined boy who is so very deserving of his own bike to ride independently. Help us get those votes or raise some money to get my boy a bike that will fit his needs!
My son just turned 5 in January and trying to find adaptive activities that meet his need has been a challenge. He is a very active boy with spina bifida. He uses a wheelchair and is able to walk with AFOs and a walker. He is quite mobile, but unable to do that gas pedal motion needed to ride a typical bike. As a toddler boy though, he has a lot of energyn adaptive bike would help him so much! He is a strong, determined boy who is so very deserving of his own bike to ride independently.