Thank you for supporting our Sawyer Sawyer is an incredibly active, curious, beautifully unique, loving, ice cream eating, keeps us on our toes, non-verbal 7 year-old. He brings us smiles (and sometimes tears!) each day with his antics and his grand achievements. He has come so far in his short 7 years. Sawyer uses a "talker" (communication device) to communicate with his friends and family, and we love seeing what new words he tries to approximate each day
Sawyer is a very Special child and loves out doors he loves doing things the other kids do in the neighborhood he wants to play with them and they ride their bikes all the time he’s unable to ride his bike due to his medical needs. He has CP and Autism and left side brain damage. He’s unable to balance his self by holding his self up straight once sit down on a bike or new seating without a back that kinda sturdy him. He loves out doors and Adventure, but we don’t do bike ride because he can’t ride his bike more than 2 to 3 minutes at a time without falling and getting hurt so he has a bicycle a regular standard bike that he doesn’t ride out often maybe twice a month because he’s scared of getting hurt because his always falling or his legs and back goes to hurting him so bad he will ask to come back inside instead of playing..
He can’t ride a standard bike due to his legs they turn in. He also has a touch by cp and has trouble balancing to hold the back up and paddling hurts his legs. He cries with it bad he has autism so he has trouble concentrating to be able to control the bike steering on a regular bike and I would love to be able to see my baby outside playing more other than just running around the yard he needs to be able to exercise and do stuff as a normal child