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Melissa Blackmore

Fundraising for Rowen B's Micah Special Needs Trike

Rowen is 7 and has a birthday coming up on March 21. At birth Rowen suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury which led to a lot of neurological issues including loss of everyday motor function, basically leaving him a quadriplegic. Rowen loves being outside and he has loved the interaction when we use a bike at therapy. He loves when his hands and feet move ,though he needs a lot of assistance and support. This bike can help give Rowen the experience every child should experience.

Rowen loves being outside and he has loved the interaction when we use a bike at therapy. He loves when his and feet move though he needs a lot of assistance and support.


Getting our little heart checked


Rowen loves exploring


Fundraising Progress
$360 raised of $2,500 goal


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