Rosemary is a very fun loving girl! This bike would enable her to be able to be the rambunctious 3 year old that she so desperately wants to be. Parks are so limited with things that she can do unassisted so it would give her the chance to keep up and have fun with her peers instead of sitting at the table with the adults. The bike will also provide really great strength training for her legs! Riding the bikes at Physical therapy is one of her absolute favorite things to do so being able to incorporate it in everyday play would mean the world to her!
This bike would enable Rosemary to be the rambunctious 3 year old that she so desperately wants to be. Parks are so limited with things that she can do unassisted so it would give her the chance to keep up and have fun with her peers instead of sitting at the table with the adults. The bike will also provide great strength training for her legs, its one of her favorite things to do at Physical therapy so being able to incorporate it in everyday play would mean the world to her.