Opal Rose is a six year old full of joy! Her favorite things are singing & dancing, arts & crafts, and doing whatever her older brother and sister are doing!
Opal was diagnosed with Acute Flaccid Myelitis when she was 4 months, leaving her paralyzed from the neck down. In the past 6 years, she has seen a lot of progress, no longer needing a trach, ventilator, or feeding tube and regaining most of her upper body mobility. She is currently still partially paralyzed in her lower extremities, using a wheelchair for independence.
For the past six years, Opal’s life has been filled with doctor’s appointments and weekly therapy visits; she’s not known life without those! We try to balance all the hard work with fun, though, and we’ve found innovative ways to do that through these past few years.
As she grows, outdoor activities are becoming more challenging with her mobility limitations, especially as she wants nothing more than to keep up with her big brother and sister.
A bike like this would give Opal the opportunity to experience the joy of riding a bike like her siblings and making sweet memories outdoors with her family.
Thank you so much for helping us reach our goal of getting one of these amazing bikes for her; we are so grateful for your support!
Opal was diagnosed with Acute Flaccid Myelitis when she was 4 months, leaving her paralyzed from the neck down. In the past 6 years, she has seen a lot of progress, no longer needing a trach, ventilator, or feeding tube and regaining most of her upper body mobility. She is currently still partially paralyzed in her lower extremities, using a wheelchair for independence. A bike like this would allow Opal the joy of riding a bike with her brother, sister, mom, and dad.