I love this kid more than life. He can't talk or do anything in self care, like going to the bathroom and other basic activities. He communicates extremely well for someone who doesn't talk, and one thing he is absolutely fascinated by is by going outside, and he loves modes of transportation, cars and especially bikes, but he will probably never be able to ride one, he doesn't have the coordination the know with how to figure it out, bless his heart. But I want him to experience this, and have
I love this kid more than life. He can't talk or do anything in self care, like going to the bathroom and other basic activities. He communicates extremely well for someone who doesn't talk, and one thing he is absolutely fascinated by is by going outside, and he loves modes of transportation, cars and especially bikes, but he will probably never be able to ride one, he doesn't have the coordination the know with how to figure it out, bless his heart. But I want him to experience this, and have