Carter is a former 22 weeker preemie who just turned 4 years old. He was diagnosed with hydrocephalus due to a brain bleed early on, which resulted in cerebral palsy mainly affecting his legs. He does not let this slow him down though, and I would say he has a need for speed that makes my mama heart skip beats.
We are trying to fundraise to get Carter an adaptive bike that was recommended by his physical therapist but is not covered by insurance. This bicycle would be used not just as a tool for therapy, but also a toy that would allow him to just be a kid.
You do not need to donate in order to help. Casting a vote for him and sharing the link would make a huge difference and is free. Thank you so much for visiting our page.
Carter has cerebral palsy due to being extremely premature (22 weeker). He is now 4 years old and does not let anything slow him down. A bicycle was recommended to him by his therapist to help strengthen his legs and get him moving.