Thank you for the votes and donations ! We are getting closer to the goals daily. We only have 8 more days to go !!! Thank you so much for all your love and support. V
We live in Hampstead. Brandon acquired Eastern Equine Encephalitis (mosquito virus) in 1996 at 15 month of age. He suffered severe brain damage from the virus. He is now like a 2 month old and is 29 years old.
With a bike, we could get Brandon out to enjoy some fresh air at parks and trails with the famiily. His wheelchair is not all terrain and does best on hard surfaces not in grass. Plus the bike would have a basket or bag to carry his feeding supplies, diapers, oxygen and other supplies. Your vote is greatly appreciated !!!♥️♥️
Brandon acquired Eastern Equine Encephalitis in 1996 at 15 no of age. He suffered severe brain damage from the virus. We could get Brandon out to enjoy some fresh air at parks and trails with the famiily. His wheelchair is not all terrain and does best on hard surfaces not in grass. Plus the bike would have a basket or bag to carry his feeding supplies, diapers, oxygen and other supplies. Your vote is greatly appreciated ! ??
Thank you for the votes and donations ! We are getting closer to the goals daily. We only have 8 more days to go !!! Thank you so much for all your love and support. V