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Amber Green

Fundraising for Andre M's Rifton Medium

Aj is the oldest of 5 kids having a bike made a huge impact in his pt and spending time with family. He will be 14 this year and it will help him feel more independent. We was homeless two years ago and loosing everything to almost getting back on our feet is a blessing. All he ever asked me for was a bike and his own room. Surprising him with a new bike will make his year.  

Aj is the oldest of 5 kids having a bike made a huge impact in his pt and spending time with family. He will be 14 this year and it will help him feel more independent. We was homeless two years ago and loosing everything to almost getting back on our feet is a blessing. All he ever asked me for was a bike and his own room. Surprising him with a new bike will make his year.


Fundraising Progress
$0 raised of $3,200 goal


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