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Violet Karber

Fundraising for Violet K's Josi Stroller/Bicycle Trainer

Violet is dependent on many devices such as a wheelchair, stander, bath chair, medical bed etc and we believe recieving a josi stroller would greatly improve her life. We have moved to Colorado and it has been difficult to go exploring as a family with Violet's wheelchair. We were recently denied a stroller and hoping to find alternatives. Violet loves to be outdoors with her little sisters. We believe Violet will have a better quality of life with a josi stroller and enjoy exploring the outdoors. 
Please help our girl with a vote!

Violet is dependent on many devices such as a wheelchair, stander, bath chair, medical bed etc and we believe recieving a bike would greatly improve her life. We have moved to Colorado and it has been difficult to go exploring as a family with Violet's wheelchair. We were recently denied a stroller and hoping to find alternatives. Violet loves to be outdoors with her little sisters. We believe Violet will have a better quality of life with a bike and enjoy the exploring the outdoors.


Violet just turned 9! While we spend alot of time at doctor appointments and therapies it is nice when we get to take a break to enjoy being together outdoors as a family

Violet ready for more off road adventures with sister 💜 This was after a long day at the pumpkin patch

Please help Violet explore Colorado 💜 we are hoping to get enough votes to win! Thank you for any and all support!


Fundraising Progress
$45 raised of $5,700 goal


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