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Krystin Hutchens

Fundraising for Samuel H's Freedom Concepts Expedition Handcycle
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Voting has ended for the 2025 Great Bike Giveaway. Donate to help Krystin Hutchens get a bike.
SuccessKrystin's goal has been reached and Samuel will be getting a bike! We are not done yet. Every donation to this page will help other's who have not reached their goal receive a bike.

Samuel is a 5-year-old, who was born with Spina Bifida. Spina Bifida is a medical condition that affects an individual’s spine and spinal cord, affecting various parts of the body. Samuel underwent spinal repair surgery at 1-day-old, and his lower body (legs and feet) was affected due to the location of his spinal cord defect.

You will often see Samuel “wheeling” to get to wherever he needs (or wants) to go. He is extremely independent, and we hope to encourage that independence throughout his childhood by providing him with experiences where he can do just as other children his age. Samuel is also very active, always wanting to play outside. His family has entered him into the Great Bike Giveaway in hopes that he will win his very own Adaptive Handcycle!

Samuel is your average 5-year-old boy, except for the fact that he was born with Spina bifida. He enjoys playing just like any other child his age, but he is limited due to his mobility impairment, a side effect of Spina bifida. Samuel would love to have his very own bike, like his older sister!


Thanks to much support and many wonderful donors, we were able to fully fund Samuel's very own Adaptive Handcycle! Our family is so appreciative of each and every one of you, and we pray many blessings upon you for helping our sweet boy and our family. We should receive his bike within 4-20 weeks, depending on the manufacturer and how quickly it can be made and shipped. We are hoping it's closer to 4 weeks, because we are PUMPED to get it and make many more memories together!


We are currently in 3rd Place, and we appreciate each and every one of you for supporting us in this journey. Every vote makes a difference! ❤️


We’re now in 5TH PLACE! If you know Samuel, you know that he would LOVE to have his very own bike! These special Adaptive bikes are so expensive to buy outright, and of course insurance will not cover one because they are not a “necessity.” Samuel is so incredibly independent as it is, but this would allow him so many more opportunities for outside play! Please, take just a moment to vote for him in the Great Bike Giveaway!

Playing outside in his wheelchair ♿️


Being mobile and independent has been some of our greatest traits we have been trying to instill in Samuel. That comes will some challenge with how his physiology works. We have been researching options to get him outside more and doing more “normal” activities. If you could vote for him in this program and donate if you feel the notion. Whether he is chosen or not your money will be going to a program providing an appropriate bike for a kid somewhere that needs it. THANK YOU!


Adaptive Bike Details

Freedom Concepts Expedition Handcycle

Freedom Concepts Expedition Handcycle

By Freedom Concepts

The Expedition Series is Freedom Concepts' line of upright, semi-recumbent and recumbent handcycles for riders 4 years old and up. The EHDU12, EHDU16, and EHDU20 Handcycles allow riders with diagnoses such as spina bifida, spinal cord injuries and neurological diseases to experience the enjoyment of riding a trike. The Expedition Series is available with optional foot propulsion and an adjustable steering column to perfectly align with the individual’s arm length, ensuring each tricycle meets the rider’s specific needs. It allows riders to experience the joy of riding a bike, whether it’s for therapy, recreation or something a little more on the competitive side.
Bike Details

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Vote Contest Top 5

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    Drawing Status


    50 more votes

    to be qualified for the drawing

    Drawing Rules
    Voting has ended for the 2025 Great Bike Giveaway. Donate to help Krystin Hutchens get a bike.
    Fundraising Progress
    $3,800 raised of $3,800 goal


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    Recent Donations

    Amy Daniel$329
    Booneville Bearcat nation loves helping Samuel!
    Amy Daniel$2,500
    The Bearcat football team and Bearcat nation loves Samuel and is honored to partner to get him a bike!
    Heather Hernandez$5
    Julie Sand$50
    Samuel, I hope you get the bike! Fingers crossed!
    cynthia dupree$25
    Brenden Hubble$6
    It aint much but I hope it helps! Braelyn absolutely loves you and talks about the great teacher you are!
    Mark Branscum$250
    Kristi Branscum$250
    becky suttles$10
    Kami Crabtree$40
    Teresa Scantling$20
    Adrianne Oliver$100
    Dana Anderson$5
    Tara Bolyard$50
    Sharon Roberts$50
    Tobias Hutchens$30
    Lori Shupert$50
    Tammy Scantling$10
    Cody & Fallon Fanick$20