Ryker has outgrown any type of stroller or ride on equipment. He has a power wheel chair, but it doesn’t go very fast and isn't great on many terrains. He would LOVE to be able to go on walks and bike rides with his family! He loves the thrill of going fast and always used to have a good time doing that when he was younger, but we haven’t been able to find anything big enough for him recently.
Ryker has outgrown any type of stroller or ride on equipment. He has a power wheel chair, but it doesn’t go very fast and isn't great on many terrains. He would LOVE to be able to go on a walk or bike ride with his family. He loves the thrill of going fast and always used to have a good time doing that when he was little, we haven’t been able to find anything big enough for him. He loves the park and would love to be able to ride there with everyone, instead of having to go separately in a car.