Guys you did it. You got our sweet riley the adaptive stroller. We appreciate every single one of u so much..can't wait to get it and get out and post pictures
We would love to be able to get Riley out to some state parks and just take him walking around our neighborhood but with a wheelchair the wheels will not go over different terrain safely if at all. Wheelchairs are mainly for smooth surfaces. Riley is too big for your standard strollers and needs full support. Riley has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, feeding tube and trach so we also need carry medical equipment on outings with him. Appreciate everything.
We would love to be able to get Riley out to some state parks and just take him walking around our neighborhood but with a wheelchair the wheels will not go over different terrain safely if at all. Wheelchairs are mainly for smooth surfaces. Riley is too big for your standard strollers and needs full support.
Guys you did it. You got our sweet riley the adaptive stroller. We appreciate every single one of u so much..can't wait to get it and get out and post pictures