With the extent of Penelope's disabilities there are very few leisure activities with which she can experience joy. Her hands won't let her color a picture, she can't sit to go down a slide, move her legs to kick a ball, or her arms to hug a stuffie. With an adaptive bike she can experience the pure joy of a bike ride. And it won't just be Penelope experiencing joy, but this adapted bike will allow for family bike rides. We can create positive memories as a whole family.
With the extent of Penelope's disabilities there are very few leisure activities with which she can experience joy. Her hands won't let her color a picture, she can't sit to go down a slide, move her legs to kick a ball, or her arms to hug a stuffie. With an adaptive bike she can experience the pure joy of a bike ride. And it won't just be Penelope experiencing joy, but this adapted bike will allow for family bike rides. We can create positive memories as a whole family.