Odinn is a loving 8 year old boy and a little brother to two big brothers. We as a family enjoy bike rides, hikes and the outdoors. We have been looking for a option for Odinn to join us and this bike would be the best option for him as he requires the ability to recline back to process saliva effectively and needs assistance sitting, positioning, and use of canopy to shield him from the outside elements. He also has a movement disorder and epilepsy.
Odinn is a loving 8 year old boy and a little brother to two big brothers. We as a family enjoy bike rides, hikes and the outdoors. We have been looking for a option for Odinn to join us and this bike would be the best option for him as he requires the ability to recline back to process saliva effectively and needs assistance sitting, positioning, and use of canopy to shield him from the outside elements. He also has a movement disorder and epilepsy.