My son Mickah will benefit from a bike because it will help improve his motor skills, balance, coordination and over physical being. It has been a challenge for him in the past, but with physical therapy and with the help from his school and the bike that they let him borrow while at school it has gotten better for him. I see a change in Mickah he has more sense of independence and feeling so much better with himself. He needs this bike because it provides a safe net for him to be calm and just
My son Mickah will benefit from a bike because it will help improve his motor skills, balance, coordination and over physical being. It has been a challenge for him in the past, but with physical therapy and with the help from his school and the bike that they let him borrow while at school it has gotten better for him. I see a change in Mickah he has more sense of independence and feeling so much better with himself. He needs this bike because it provides a safe net for him to be calm and just