He is 14, nonverbal autistic that loves to ride bikes. He is able to ride them in therapy and at his old school. He had an adapted bike when he was around 7 but outgrew it and it was donated to his school. He is mentally 3 and likes to elope. Thr workman side by side allows him to have fun of peddling and allowing myself to be next to him to help with any triggers or if he gets tired. He has hypotonia and ataxia so this would be amazing to work the muscles in a fun but controlled environment.
He is 14, nonverbal autistic that loves to ride bikes. He is able to ride them in therapy and at his old school. He had an adapted bike when he was around 7 but outgrew it and it was donated to his school. He is mentally 3 and likes to elope. Thr workman side by side allows him to have fun of peddling and allowing myself to be next to him to help with any triggers or if he gets tired. He has hypotonia and ataxia so this would be amazing to work the muscles in a fun but controlled environment.