Hi! Matteo is 4 years old and has severe Cerebral Palsy
And Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. He is non-mobile and non-verbal but has the brightest smile you will ever see! Matteo is in love with the outdoors!! He loves to just be outside and listen to nature while the sun shines on his face! Matteo also loves movement! Being able to take him on a bike ride and nature trails is one of our goals so that he can enjoy as normal a life as possible even with all his medical issues. Winning the Josi would be a perfect fit for him and allow us to take him on some new adventures! Thank you for helping make Matteo’s adventures come true!
Matteo is non-mobile and non-verbal. However he is in love with the outdoors!! He loves to just be outside and listen to nature and he likes movement! This would be a perfect fit for him!