You don’t me, but you know me. I’m a desperate momma trying to get her little boy a win. I’m not gonna go on and on with our sob story, and believe me, it is. This little guys was diagnosed with autism at 3, in the last year he has regressed so rapidly. He see it, he fights it, but it always wins. He can’t try new foods, doesn’t feel comfortable around people, he’s been just ghosted by his father. It’s not a sob story, it’s an American horror story. If you do happen to see this, could you please help us out with a small donation. I truly believe that if he got this win, this bike, it could he the catalyst to his recovery. He could face his dream/fear of riding a bike with his amazing big bubba right by his side. A lesson he so badly needs and deserves. Just one little win could change the trajectory of this wildly unique, loving, and so freaking adorable little guys life! I’m a big fan, of you and hope. Thank you!