J2 as we call him is an adventures child who loves to go for walks in his stroller, but sadly as he has grown the strollers have not and his freedom to keep up in a walk has greatly decreased due to his low tone. His brother loves his bike and due to J2s disabilities he is just not able to manipulate the pedals, balance his core and move the bike as his typical brother. He would love to keep going on his daily walks with the family!
J2 as we call him is an adventures child who loves to go for walks in his stroller, but sadly as he has grown the strollers have not and his freedom to keep up in a walk has greatly decreased due to his low tone. His brother loves his bike and due to J2s disabilities he is just not able to manipulate the pedals, balance his core and move the bike as his typical brother. He would love to keep going on his daily walks with the family!