Meet Jagger, age 9!
Since birth, Jagger has been confined to his bed and/or wheelchair, restricting him from enjoying and accessing places and activities other children and family are able to. We live in a very rural area, and accessibility is a constant issue, due to his wheelchairs design. We would love, as a family, for him to get to experience the outdoors comfortably and be able to join his siblings in some fun!
For those of you that do not know Jagger’s story, he was born at 23 weeks gestation, weighing just 1 lb 9 oz. He has been diagnosed with Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy, Grade 3/4 IVH (brain bleed), Shunted Hydrocephalus (with a rare VA shunt), Cortical Visual Impairment to almost total blindness, Clonis, Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, Klippel Feil Syndrome, Chronic Lung Disease of Prematurity, Knee Contracture, Patent Ductus Arteriosis, Sleep Apnea, Epilepsy with Seizures, Short Bowel Syndrome, Retinopathy of Prematurity, etc. Jagger has been hospitalized more than 500 times, including his initial 6 month NICU stay before ever coming home, undergoing more than 30 surgeries and procedures including 13 neurosurgeries, multiple bilateral hip surgeries, a selective dorsal rhizotomy on the spinal cord, having plates, screws and rods placed in the leg and hips, and abdominal reconstructions. Jagger is without a doubt a miracle and deserves every opportunity to have the best quality of life possible for his condition. Please help us by voting for Jagger!
Since birth, Jagger has been confined to his bed and/or wheelchair, restricting him from enjoying and accessing places and activities other children and family are able to. We live on a farm, and Jagger can’t get outside past the porch due to his wheelchairs design. We would love, as a family, for him to get to experience the outdoors comfortably and be able to join mom, dad and his siblings in some fun!