We want to get Emily this tandem bike so that she can stay healthy and active in the face of her diagnoses. Aside from Sanfilippo, she was also born with a heart defect, so movement and being engaged with her environment are important. She loves being outside and we love being with her. This Worksman bike would allow us to assist her riding as well as allow us to give her a break when needed. Did I mention that she loves the wind on her face?
We want to get Emily this tandem bike so that she can stay healthy and active in the face of her diagnoses. Aside from Sanfilippo, she was also born with a heart defect, so movement and being engaged with her environment is important. She loves being outside and we love being with her. This Worksman bike would allow us to assist her riding as well as allow us to give her a break when needed. Did I mention that she loves the wind on her face?