Ellie was born at 22 weeks gestation and was given only a 5% chance of survival. Ellie defied those odds and is now 4 years old and thriving. Ellie has Ceberal Palsy which mainly affects her movement. Ellie adores older sister and desperately wants to keep up with her. Having an adaptive bike would allow Ellie to participate and experience a fundamental joy of childhood.
Ellie was born at 22 weeks gestation and was given only a 5% chance of survival. Ellie defied those odds and is now 4 years old and thriving. Ellie has Ceberal Palsy which mainly affects her movement. Ellie adores older sister and desperately wants to keep up with her. Having an adaptive bike would allow Ellie to participate and experience s fundamental joy of childhood.
Can you believe it!?! Ellie met her goal and is going to receive a Rifton Small Adaptive bike!! We went into the Great Bike Giveaway only asking people to vote for Ellie and hoped that by some small miracle she would earn enough votes to win a bike. We are forever grateful for the family, friends, and community that supported Ellie by voting and sharing her campaign. We truly never thought that there would be so many people who genuinely wanted Ellie to have this bike that they were willing to donate so she can have it. We are still at a loss for words that generous donors have fully funded her bike and she is now guaranteed to receive one. Thanks to EVERYONE who has pitched in to make this happen. Every vote, every share, every flyer posted, every contribution has put Ellie one step closer to her goal. It would have been impossible for Ellie to have this adaptive bike without your support. It feels like thank you is inadequate to describe our gratitude, but THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! While Ellie is elated that she will be able to ride her own bike, I think the person who is most excited is her older sister Kaylee. When we told Kaylee the great news after school she literally jumped up and down and was screaming at ear piercing volumes. Thank you for providing them with the opportunity to share this experience together. Kind regards, The Sweeney Family.
While Ellie has both a wheelchair and walker to get around, she’s made so much progress this last year that she now only uses the wheelchair when she’s out and will require it for long distances. Otherwise her stamina and balance have improved so much that she now mainly uses the walker. At school she exclusively uses the walker. Ellie shows us daily that there is nothing she can’t do. Only things she can’t do YET. Our family motto is practice makes PROGRESS. Ellie isn’t afraid of hard work. She might not take the traditional path to get there, but she always finds her own way.