My son Daniel is almost 8 years old and has Lissencephaly. He was diagnosed at 8 months old and it’s been quite a road we have travelled so far. Lissencephaly means “Smooth brain” so he has very low tone, is basically immobile. He is gtube fed and has epilepsy. He is definitely growing and we are at crossroads with all of his equipment. Because he is low tone, a regular stroller and bike trailer don’t accommodate him. We are hard working people who would definitely appreciate the support for Dan
My son Daniel is almost 8 years old and has Lissencephaly. He was diagnosed at 8 months old and it’s been quite a road we have travelled so far. Lissencephaly means “Smooth brain” so he has very low tone, is basically immobile. He is gtube fed and has epilepsy. He is definitely growing and we are at crossroads with all of his equipment. Because he is low tone, a regular stroller and bike trailer don’t accommodate him. We are hard working people who would definitely appreciate the support for Dan