Hello friends:) We have been hopeful to find something for our sweet AJ to ride… but it has been a very difficult task. He desperately wants to participate in bike rides, like any other 8 year old boy; however due to his multiple medical conditions, he is unable. As you know, the cost of an adaptive bike can be upwards of $7,000.00 out of pocket. This may be the only way to make it happen- so we are asking for your votes ! We thank you so much for your support!!!
AJ came home in 2019 all the way from Colombia. He has Down syndrome and hypotonia making bike riding very u. There is currently no way for him to participate in ride on activites outside; aside from being pushed in a wagon or stroller/ wheelchair. Aside from his physical limitations- he has appraxia along with TBI due to being on a ventilar while he was an infant. This bike would change his entire world.