Dean was born unexpectedly early with his twin at 23 weeks. 96 hours into life he suffered from brain bleeds that took his life for several minutes. Since then his life has been one full of battles medically with cerebral palsy and optical nerve atrophy being a big factors in all areas his life. Dean is a resilient, beautiful soul that lights up everyone life and humbly is asking to assist is giving back to him as he is so deserving. Living in Colorado, his parents (myself and Matt) being from the country in Iowa/Missouri, getting outside in nature is extremely important to us. The Springs has some amazing outdoor experiences to offer and we love to get the twins out on bike rides and hikes. Dean was given via a nonprofit grant a small rifton bike years ago. It has since been outgrown and that beautiful grant is only available as a one time deal. This past year Dean underwent a complete lower extremities (pelvis, hips, knees, and tibia) “overhaul” surgically. After months of bed rest and complications, he was able to start rehab PT. Recently, PT had Dean get on a new rifton large bike and for the first time ever (even with the last he wasn’t able) Dean pedaled full rotations with it and almost ran me over! His PT and I were blown away mentioning we have got to find away to get this boy a bike! He found is to be so much fun maybe a bit because he was chasing no me but also because his “new” legs were doing it! The first time ever. He lit up with excitement. I pray we can get this bike raise for Dean so he can chase mommy, daddy, twin brother and even Charlie (our golden) on it any day he pleases -*weather permitting.* Our sunshine deserves every wish he has and after our last year/summer being one the hardest since he was young. We would love to give him the best summer yet to make up for last and then some!