Aubrey was only 3 when she was diagnosed with an ultra rare, rapidly progressive muscle-wasting disease called Reducing Body Myopathy. It has stolen her mobility, ability stand, and breathe on her own. At 6, she is now fully dependent, & completely immobile but she remembers what it was like to move, & misses riding her trike with her siblings. A Worksman side-by-side electric trike (adapted with her carseat) would allow her to safely get back on a bike and enjoy a piece of life from before RBM.
Aubrey was only 3 when she was diagnosed with an ultra rare, rapidly progressive muscle-wasting disease called Reducing Body Myopathy. It has stolen her mobility, ability stand, and breathe on her own. At 6, she is now fully dependent, & completely immobile but she remembers what it was like to move, & misses riding her trike with her siblings. A Worksman side-by-side electric trike (adapted with her carseat) would allow her to safely get back on a bike and enjoy a piece of life from before RBM.
I am absolutely blown away by all the support you've shown my sweet Aubrey!! THANK YOU ALL for taking time out of your day to vote for her chance at a bike, thank you for those who have donated toward her fundraiser - everyone of these amazing kids deserve a bike! We are so lucky to have so many caring people in our corner ❤️